Day 2

Stratford, CT

Monday, February 27

Off to New York City! Most of the group got up early to start the drive to NYC and got there around 5-6pm. This is the longest drive of the tour, but New York was a ton of fun. Some of the G’s stopped at Perkins for a brunch where Brett was pressured into getting a breakfast burger because no one else would let him get a lunch food.

Some of the group stopped at summit mall in Akron and tried out some crazy cheeses and want to shout out Duck’s Donuts (AKA duck duck donuts according to Ian) for their incredible donuts.

Once we got to NY we went out for dinner with Luke’s lovely Aunt where there was a piano. Naturally the G’s had to seize that opportunity and the manager let us take over the piano and microphone. Max got on the keys and TJ, Thomas, and Luke each sang a jazz standard to the rest of the restaurant. We also got a congratulations dessert because of our recent ICCA win!

We swiftly moved from dinner to the Lincoln Center where we saw the Makoto Ozone Jazz Trio at Dizzy’s club. The bassist had the best stank face I’ve ever seen and the whole jazz club had a really cool vibe. We caught a train to Connecticut to stay at Owen’s place (thank you to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence). It was right next to the ocean, and there happened to be a blizzard going on. As any normal person would, Sam and Derek decided to do a polar plunge in the Atlantic.

We sang a couple tunes at the store and then packed up the cars for Boston. We have our first show tonight and are pumped to meet some other a cappella groups. I’ll catch y’all tomorrow.


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