ryan vig

// Business Manager

Jersey Number: 71

Year: Junior

Nicknames: MP

Sprit Animal: Mink

Hometown: Northville, MI

Theme Song: Saint Pablo - Kanye West

Studying: Math, Computer Science

Favorite Album of All Time: My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy - Kanye West

Favorite Quote: "Hurry up with my damn croissants" - Kanye West

Favorite Super Smash Brothers Character: Sheik

Favorite Movie: Inglorious Bastards

Favorite G-Moment: Hanging with the Milksters

Favorite Vulfpeck Song: Birds of a Feather, We Rock Together

Second Favorite Color: Black

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop? about 200 for the layman

Who wins: all 898 Pokémon or the Sun? Palkia can manipulate space so it can probably just Alt+F4 it or something

Are aliens real? If so, what do they look like? Yes, no

Would you rather fight Luke Pace or 17 rabid squirrels? The squirrels as a warmup, then Luke Pace with my newfound rabies powers