max crandell

// Music Director

Jersey Number: 28

Year: Junior

Nicknames: Max

Sprit Animal: Red Panda

Hometown: Wheaton, IL

Theme Song: Cry Thunder - Dragonforce

Studying: Computer Science

Favorite Album of All Time: Guess I'm Grown Now (Acoustic)

Favorite Quote: "I am batman." - batman probably

Favorite Super Smash Brothers Character: Donkey Kong

Favorite Movie: The Princess Bride

Favorite G-Moment: Singing at the Big House

Favorite Vulfpeck Song: I don’t listen to Vulfpeck :0

Second Favorite Color: what kind of question is this

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop? Tootsie pops are bad for your teeth

Who wins: all 898 Pokémon or the Sun? The sun lmao

Are aliens real? If so, what do they look like? I haven't seen any so probably not

Would you rather fight Luke Pace or 17 rabid squirrels? Luke sorry